Monday, February 25, 2013

FHA Changes Mortgage Insurance Premium (MIP) Policies

The US Department of Housing and Urban Development (FHA) has decided to change its policies as it relates to the length and amount of Mortgage Insurance a borrower must pay for holding a mortgage. This new policy is effective April 1, 2013 for Mortgage Insurance Premium increases and June 3, 2013 for length of the Mortgage Insurance one has to pay.
Now there are benefits of an FHA loan: Minimal down payment of 3.5% (Which can be gifted), underwriting guidelines that are not too strict, and lower fico scores to qualify (This can depend on the lender). However, the idea of paying for mortgage insurance for a minimum of 11 years may deter many ready and willing first-time home buyers. The 11 years is a minimum as long as you have 10% as a down payment. For anything less, you will be paying the mortgage insurance until the end of the mortgage term.
Many first-time buyers are going to make the decision of holding off until they can save a higher down payment or take advantage of low real estate values and eventually refinance (if it makes sense) to justify a lower payment. We are in the early stages of an economic recovery and housing has certainly been a topic of discussion in leading the recovery but introducing a more expensive way to procure a loan does not help with one of the country’s biggest markets. For details on the FHA loan changes:

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