Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Marriage between Real Estate and Technology

It’s hard to imagine a world without the convenience of technology. Where would we be without our ipads, cell phones, and laptops? Google announced their Glass concept which will change the way we capture and organize data. Apple’s “watch” not only adds convenience but applications limited only to our imagination.

Do you remember the newspaper? How about some local magazine or that special edition publication you waited every other month for? Let’s not knock the publishers of print-media after all they are the first physical version of the internet. Nowadays, the major player in delivering information is done through the technological advances in digital communication. Specifically, the technology applications field will continue by leaps and bounds to integrate everyday practical things we do in a seamless way.

As I was growing up, I remember the computer being somewhat of a big deal. We were the generation transitioning into the evolution of computing. Today, children often have an ipad in their hands as quickly as they are able to pick them up. I did not embrace this new evolution nor did I turn my back. In the last two weeks, I have attended a few technology events. These events led me to believe we haven’t even tapped into what our future will look like. The world’s information will be delivered quickly and efficiently to anyone on any platform. I’m not a creative person but this was my takeaway as I left these events.

Being in the real estate industry, I envision our business to drastically change even further from what it is today. Although buying a home still appeals to our senses, the traditional methods of searching will no longer apply. For instance, looking for an “Open House” through the Sunday newspaper may not get you very far especially since most home Buyers use online searching as their primary choice. Online buyers are quick enough to take a look that day to schedule something that afternoon with the possibility of making an offer if they like the property. The applications to bring up-to-date information accurately and efficiently will be intertwined with our industry as our consumers demand the data to fit their criteria. There will be innovative products out there to deliver the information that will be part of our daily lives. Who thought we would be so “naked” without our cell phones? Just as Amazon has conveniently brought to us the world’s store, it would not surprise me if the ease of purchasing real estate was conveniently done with the click of a checkout button.

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