Monday, May 13, 2013

The Challenge Of Being A Successful Real Estate Professional

In one word: Reputation. Our industry is changing and evolving so quickly, that people often forget that this is still a business that involves human interaction. It’s great we can access inventory, statistics and information through the wonders of technology. However, our business is based on credibility. Listings, referrals, web-presence and signage can promote credibility based on market presence. Every successful professional whether you are a real estate agent, broker, loan officer, title rep or escrow officer will tell you they are successful because of one thing: They always prospect for new business. That means we have to be consistent in our marketing and branding.

Since technology offers different ways to promote you, we often forget this is just a tool and not a means to close a deal. You still have to go out there and promote yourself. After all, 99% of clients do business with you based on two factors:

     1. They like you.
     2.  They trust you.

As a real estate professional, I have built up my business by being consistent. I rarely turn away clients, even when I know I am already at capacity. This just makes me work harder. Because of this, I have been fortunate enough to have business year round. However, building your name and reputation takes time just with anything. Being consistent gets you there but execution is what stands you a part from your competition. This is what creates your brand. Every day we face competition, losing a listing, gaining a buyer and so forth. Real estate is not for everyone and not everyone can make a good living at it. We face tremendous amounts of strain and sometimes the payoff might not be worth it. But it is the mindset to continue with this process and be better that leads us to becoming successful in our profession.

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