Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Fred Gil and North American Title have joined myPropertyChannel

We are pleased to announce that Fred Gil and North American Title have joined our real estate network. North American Title is one of the largest real estate settlement service providers with more than 1000 associates across the country.
“I started my title career with First American Title in 1989. As an underwriter, it gave me first-hand knowledge on how to solve ANY problem that might arise during a real estate transaction.  In 1992, I was recruited by Fidelity National Title and transitioned into the sales department, quickly becoming the #1 resale company for Orange County and never looking back.  My experience in closing resale and refinance transactions and expertise in marketing, technology, and the internet make me a valuable asset to any real estate professional” – Fred Gil

For real estate settlement services information, please contact Fred Gil at (714) 290-4111 or email

Monday, January 28, 2013

Demand In Rental Units

If you look back to 2008 and the collapse of the market, there is no question the demand for rentals would increase. As the “meltdown” continued on its path, you had to ask yourself, how many people were looking not only to downsize but to rent. Perhaps with a roommate or family member but in either case the need to afford housing with less of a financial burden was definitely needed.
According to, it is estimated that 4.2 million new renters will attribute to the 6.6 million units needed by 2016. There is more new construction activity to support this claim and inventory is moving. Multiple offers in certain areas of Los Angeles, CA are now appearing to be expected. However, certain hot-spots aside, that is not the case. Our absorption rate is still slow compared to the overall occupancy of our available housing units.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Road To Success In 2013

Let’s face it, 2012 was not a special year but it did signal what the next few years will look like. In general, most real estate professionals closed enough transactions to be in business. There are exceptions of course, but for the masses, doing over 300 transactions this past year were limited to only a handful of real estate professionals. The likelihood of enormous success in 2013 is unlikely but all signs point to the direction that we are in the recovery stages. What does this mean for you? With inflation on the horizon and interest rates to slowly increase, you will see activity well before you see a lull.
The opportunities as a Buyer are huge. Prices are still depressed and in several states, delinquencies and foreclosure rates have increased. With such activity, the housing market will create revenue that will reach across other industries. More jobs will be created adding much needed fuel to kick-start our economy and the road to prosperity.

If you are interested in contributing or writing, please email us at

Thank you

Sunday, January 20, 2013

David Kim and Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC have joined

We are pleased to announce David Kim, Branch Manager of Carrington Mortgage Services, LLC has joined our network of real estate professionals. Carrington Mortgage is a direct lender servicing approximately 16 Billion in mortgages. With great mortgage products and exceptional service, Carrington continues to lead the way in the mortgage industry. David has been lending for 15 years and continues to service the Greater Los Angles/Pasadena areas. 
In addition, we are looking for Real Estate Brokers/Agents to refer our business in the following areas: Los Angeles County, Orange County, San Diego County, Ventura County, San Bernardino County and Riverside County. Please contact us at if you are interested.