Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Road To Success In 2013

Let’s face it, 2012 was not a special year but it did signal what the next few years will look like. In general, most real estate professionals closed enough transactions to be in business. There are exceptions of course, but for the masses, doing over 300 transactions this past year were limited to only a handful of real estate professionals. The likelihood of enormous success in 2013 is unlikely but all signs point to the direction that we are in the recovery stages. What does this mean for you? With inflation on the horizon and interest rates to slowly increase, you will see activity well before you see a lull.
The opportunities as a Buyer are huge. Prices are still depressed and in several states, delinquencies and foreclosure rates have increased. With such activity, the housing market will create revenue that will reach across other industries. More jobs will be created adding much needed fuel to kick-start our economy and the road to prosperity.

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